Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tahakopa Bay, The Catlins, New Zealand

Since I reached the beach I've lost sight of the orange markers and have no idea how to return to the loop track. I walk along the empty beach and get caught by the tide coming in. I start to worry about being stranded so quicken my pace. Since I started my walk the bay has filled up with water so my only route back is through the forest. It's now mid afternoon and I'm worried I won't make it back before dark. I'm cold and tired and the thought of going back through the dark boggy forest fills me with dread. No one knows I'm here so I have no choice. As the bay curves round I see two orange poles flagging the start of a forest track. I've no idea where it leads, I just hope it doesn't take me to the other side of the bay. I'm no longer interested in trees, ferns or mosses. I just want to go home. I put my camera away and prepare for another two-hour ordeal through the forest.

I walk quickly on the flat wide track expecting the bogs to start appearing soon. Instead I come across a sign saying '3-hour loop track' which confuses me. Two minutes further on and I'm out of the forest and at the start of the track. I can't believe it. It's only taken me 20 minutes to walk back (via the Old Coach Track).

(Photo - Podocarp forest on sand dunes)

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