Sunday, November 18, 2007

Patan, Kathmandu, Nepal

I learn there are several Durbar Squares in Kathmandu. The one in Patan is more picturesque and less crowded than the one near Thamel.

A bright young boy tries to sell me a silk purse. I'm impressed by his English and ask how old he is. He says 'thirteen, maybe fifteen', although he looks much younger. I ask if he goes to school but he tells me he can't afford it and has to support his family who aren't able to work. He's incredibly sharp. It seems a shame for him to be denied an education. I know this is the same story for a million children around the world. He shows me around the square. I buy all his bags which comes to the huge sum of GBP 1.50 and say goodbye. Somehow I don't want to leave him here.
(Durbur Square in Patan)


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