Saturday, October 07, 2006

Raining in Rio

For some reason the concept of Rio ever being cold and rainy seems really strange to me but it has bucketed it down for the last 24 hours non-stop. The city which I associate with hot bikini-clad babes (which I have still to witness) and my mum´s Barry Manilow cassettes (which I was forced to listen to in the car aged 11) is now shrouded in mist and drizzle.

It´s just as well that I packed most of the touristy things in my first two days when there was glorious sunshine and 35 degree (not sure how to do the symbol on the keyboard) heat. The views of Guanabara Bay from both Corcovado (Christ Redeemer statue (above)) and Sugar Loaf are spectacular. Think I was lucky with fairly clear skies as I heard a few people say that all they saw was ´white´ on reaching the summit - pretty annoying having spent ten odd quid and enduring long queues to get up there.

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