Monday, November 27, 2006

Torres del Paine Day 4 - Grey Glacier

Thank god it´s a bit of a rest day today as I feel terrible. I slid off the thermarest mat last night and slept on the ground. Even with 3 pairs of socks, all my clothes and two hats I was freezing.

The sun out is out for the first time in three days and I sit on the edge of the lake rubbing my sore knees from the pounding they´ve taken over the past few days.

We take a boat trip past huge icebergs to the face of the glacier. Huge ice towers, tinged with blue (where the ice is more compact) rise up to the sky.

We have lunch at Lake Pehoe overlooking the Torres massif before taking a short but steep walk to the Condor lookout which overlooks the mountain range and lakes.

On the way back to our campsite at Laguna Amarga, driving through grassy steppe, we spot two guanacos mating. The hills are covered in guanacos. It´s the first time I´ve seen one and now they´re everywhere.

Tomorrow is our last day and hike and reputedly the hardest - to the base of the Torres peaks. Our tour guide conveniently leaves us and hotfoots it back to Puerto Natales, but not before leaving me his minus 19 degree sleeping bag. He says I´ll sleep well tonight, and I do.

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