Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás, Viñales, Cuba

I realise it's an authentic caving experience as we don hard hats with headlamps and follow the resident speleologist to climb the side of a mountain. 20 minutes later we reach an entrance known as the Cueva de Avispas (Wasp Cave) as it was full of wasps when first discovered.

Walking through the dark, damp grottoes I'm mesmerised by the giant forms of stalactites and stalagmites formed 150 million years ago. I feel my way through the grottoes climbing up and down rickety ladders and pulling myself through on ropes until I reach the Cueva de Perlas (Cave of Pearls) where the walls appear to glisten with diamonds. I'm told this is due to a high concentration of calcites. I'd like to touch but it's forbidden.

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