Thursday, April 19, 2007

Into Panama

I'm leaving Cuba today for Panama and there's no water to have a shower, a fitting end that pretty much sums up Cuba - sometimes things work and sometimes they don't.

My travel agent has again annoyingly booked me into executive class alongside three identical looking business men who all eye me strangely. I'm wearing my hiking boots as they're too bulky to pack and look quite scruffy I imagine.

It's only about 1.5 hours to Panama City and as I emerge from the airport terminal I'm hit by the sultry heat. Shockingly my transfer (that I arranged only yesterday) is here to pick me up. I'm so used to things not working properly or not being on time that it's a pleasant surprise when once in a blue moon something I arranged works out.

The hotel is fantastic. Actually it's not a great hotel - dull and dingy with disinterested staff but the website is great. Check it as Ali G would say...

(Photo - hazy Panama City)

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