Tuesday, April 24, 2007

White Water rafting, Pacuare River, Costa Rica

Costa Rica is also a mecca for adrenaline junkies with well-organised sporting activities.

I have always wanted to try white water rafting, something a bit more challenging than paddling down a stream. I'm told the Pacuare River is the place to do it with Grade 1V rapids. I'm new to the system of grading but soon learn that Grade 5 is for experts and Grade VI (the highest) only for the insane. Grade VI involves rafting down sheer waterfalls, and comes with a warning of 'risk of life or limb'.

When the van picks me up in the morning I think I'm making a big mistake as I climb in to join lots of well-toned tattooed sporty types. I feel better when I hear that several people have never tried it before.

The guide advises me that the Pacuare is one of the top rivers in the world for rafting, with only the Zambezi, the White Nile, the Bio Bio and the Futaleufu in Chile being more challenging.

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