Friday, April 06, 2007

Orinoco River, Venezuela

During the night I dream my hammock is spinning out of control. I sleep badly, there's a symphony of snoring going on all around and I can hear people peeing into the river. Early in the morning howler monkeys fill the jungle air with frightening whooping sounds. It's so loud I feel they're very close.

On the long trip back up the Orinoco to Tucupita we run out of petrol. I discover that we'd donated ours to take a local sick child to hospital early in the morning. The child unfortunately died on the way.

At a local village we exchange some bottles of fizzy drink for petrol and continue on. More bad news in Tucupita awaits us. Paul's backpack is missing and a rat has chewed it's way through Ian's bag.

Before we can continue to Caripe, our stop for the night, Paul files a police report for his stolen bag.

(Photo - Winamorena II community)

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