Sunday, December 24, 2006

San Francisco Church & Cerro Santa Lucia, Santiago

Having slightly recovered from my camera shock yesterday, I'm depressed to find that there doesn't seem to be a Canon specialist service until Lima, which is a month and a half away. Until then I'll have to rely on my point-and-shoot.

To take my mind off the trauma I visit San Francisco Church, the oldest in Santiago. It's a huge red-walled building finished in 1618. Adjacent is the monastery and Museo Colonial containing religious art, displayed in rooms around the lovely cloisters.

As Cerro Santa Lucia, a cone of rock, is opposite my hotel I decide to climb it despite the warnings about bag snatchers. At the entrance I'm surprised to have to sign in. The guard jokes that it's in case I get murdered at the top. It's a short but steep climb to the top and offers great views of the city. There are security guards and couples kissing around every corner.

(Photo - monks outside San Francisco Church)


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about your camera, you'll get another one. It adds to the adventure. I can't believe your climbing? Wow, your really changing!

I hope to speak to you soon. If you send me a number (your hotel I will give you call) you shouldn't get charged if I call you.


Anonymous said...

Do the security guards kiss each other, or wait for a couple to come round the corner and then pucker up for a smooching session?! Sounds intriguing... or else it's just been too long since I got a kiss....
