Thursday, May 24, 2007

Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala

Back on the boat we stop at Santiago Atitlán, a similar village to San Antonio. Again we climb steep cobbled streets to visit a local deity known as San Simón or Maximón revered throughout the Guatemalan Highlands. Entering a local wooden house I can barely see the air is so thick with copal incense. When the air clears I see a short stout wooden effigy dressed in brightly coloured scarves, a hat and with a cigarette in his mouth. The room is filled with candles. Local people bring offerings such as alcohol, cigarettes, food, money etc. to ask for his blessing or a wish. While I'm there a ceremony is taking place. A local man has offered money in return for more business. I need to leave the room after a few minutes as I'm finding it hard to breath through the pungent air, not to mention close to being set alight by all the blazing candles.

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