Friday, January 12, 2007

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia - Day 3

We're all hungover from last night but blame it on the altitude (we're at over 4000 metres). We were given the option of watching sunrise from Isla Del Pescado (Fish Island) but unanimously decide to sleep in until 10am.

After a short drive we start the 2-3 hour crossing of the Salar de Uyuni, the largest and highest salt flat in the world. For miles we drive across a brilliant white sea of salt merging on the horizon with an electric blue sky. It's so dazzling my eyes hurt without sunglasses.

We stop off at Isla del Pescado, a small island covered in cacti, in the middle of the salt flat. After a short but exhausting walk to the top, I see the highest cacti in the world. It looks like every other cacti to be honest but it holds this particular honour due to its position at altitude.

After a second flat tyre we continue to the end of the salt flats where salt is harvested and transported, and on to Uyuni, a small ramshackle town of 11,000 people where there's not much to see.

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