Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tarabuco Market, Bolivia

On my final day in Sucre, I take the local bus to Tarabuco, 64 km southeast of Sucre. The town is known for its colourful Indian market but as it's been pouring non-stop all night and morning, the market has been called off. Unfortunately the bus isn't due to return to Sucre for four hours so with no market, there's not much to do but find a cafe and while away the hours.

Fortunately the rain stops after a couple of hours and the market stalls start setting up around the square. Although it's the usual tourist fare (bags, purses, ponchos, scarves, hats etc.) in brightly embroidered fabrics, it's a sobering sight to see the town awash with colour. Everything is dirt cheap if you like that kind of thing.

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