Monday, June 18, 2007

North Beach, San Francisco

I decide I'd like to stay longer than I'd planned and this means going to the airport to try to change my ticket. I drop into Starbucks on the way. 'What can I get for you today?' she says chirpily. I'd forgotten how keen (and good) customer service is in the US. I order my latte and she asks for my name. Friendly too I think. A couple of minutes later someone shouts out: 'So Marion a latte for you today?'. Surprised I realise this is me. They got the name wrong but I like the idea.

I ask the Starbucks lady if she knows which is the best way to get to the airport.' Oh take the Bart' she says and gives me directions on how to get to the station. As soon as I've left I've forgotten her instructions and am too embarrassed to go back so I ask someone on the street.

'The what?' the man replies
'The Bart' I say
'No I don't know that. Where are you trying to go?'
'The airport. I was told to take the Bart'
'Oh you mean the Barrrt' he says emphasising the 'r'.

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