Thursday, June 14, 2007

Teotihuacán, Mexico

I sleep badly as a particularly vicious mosquito (or several?) has managed to sting me twice on my forehead and on my eyelid. As the buzzing was driving me mad I got up and tried to swat it with a towel but the room was so dim it was difficult to see. I couldn't sleep either with the covers over my head so ended up getting out of bed several times to try and commit multiple murder.

This means that I'm really tired for my trip to Teotihuacán, meaning 'birthplace of the gods' in Nahuatl. Catching a bus from the main terminal, Estacion del Norte, I fall asleep and nearly miss the stop. The driver shouts out 'Piramides' several times before it dawns on me that I'm here.

Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, at its height Teotihuacán was the largest pre-Columbian city in the Americas.

(Photo - view from the Pyramid of the Moon of the Avenue of the Dead and Pyramid of the Sun)

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