Monday, July 30, 2007

Lake Te Anau, New Zealand

I'm paranoid about missing my 7am bus to Milford Sound so slept badly. It's also way too cold here (without central heating). Packing my backpack today is impossible for some reason. It must be thse packing cases from Kathamandu. The two hour drive to Te Anau passes through frosty landscapes covered in thousands of christmas trees with a backdrop of pink skies. It's postcard pretty.

As we drive past Lake Wakatipu I remember the legend of why it's named 'sleeping giant' in Maori. I sleep for a bit and wake up surrounded by thick mist and low visibility. Soon we're at Te Anau, the second largest lake in New Zealand. Low cloud hovers over the lake giving it a misty and brooding feel. I'm hoping Milford Sound will be the same.

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