Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rock climbing, Queenstown, New Zealand

I've signed up for rock climbing this afternoon, something I wanted to do in Wanaka but it was too wet. I've been thinking about the bungy all morning and am a bit hacked off that AJ Hackett doesn't think it's for me. Secretly I'm terrified and this is what spurs me on to book it. Foolhardily, as some would say, I go out of my way to challenge myself where I can. And if I'm going to jump, I'm going to jump the highest. As I leave the Bungy Centre I'm in a state of shock and have gone partially deaf so can't hear my rock climbing guide properly.

He drives me out to the Magnum Wall on Gorge Road and while he's setting up the ropes I put on some orange suede ballet-like pumps, my helmet and harness. He shows me how to tie a climbing knot but several attempts later I still haven't got it. I know I have some sort of dysfunction when it comes to anything slightly technical. My brain automatically switches off after the second instruction.

I start on a 15-metre wall which looks easy from the ground with ample ledges. Half way up I become stuck on a smoothish overhang and my arms start to tire from clinging on so I come down. I try what looks like an easier face a few metres away but it's not easy at all. 'Trust your feet' Dave yells as I painstakingly make my way up. Half way up I become tired and say 'I can't go on any further' thinking I'll just be belayed down. 'No such word as can't, Dave shouts back at me. Jesus. I struggle on, clinging to the rock face for dear life, even though I'm wearing a harness. My arms ache and when I finally manage to stand on what I call a 'real' ledge I joke that I'd like quite a cup of tea now. Dave isn't laughing 'Come on now, you can do it'. 'But it's hard' I say, realising I sound like a child. I take a few risks with my strength on some dicey ledges and surprisingly I stay on the rock face. before long I've reached the top. Woohoo. After a couple more climbs I'm completely shattered. Like ice-climbing it's much harder than it looks, and I don't think I'll ever look at another rock face the same way again.

Back in town I treat myself at Fergburger's, truly the best burgers I've ever had, and contemplate the Nevis tomorrow.

(Photo - the guide shows me how to climb the rock face)

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